The question is — are you jumping in to dominate search or are you discussing these topics because…

Your story can drive 100K visitors and no one will care but your story can drive 100 people and 10 of them will be influencers with tons of…

In fact there’s thousands of markets where the sophistication is low enough to jump right in with keyword research + dominate.

The question is — are you jumping in to dominate search or are you discussing these topics because they fit your product positioning and your story?

Your story can drive 100K visitors and no one will care but your story can drive 100 people and 10 of them will be influencers with tons of social capital.

It’s not 2006 anymore… SEO changes, SEO agency will finish mining small and businesses and in 5–7 years they will die out. The only SEO that will be standing is technical SEO used by companies with enormous aggregation powers: travel, insurance, real-estate, Yelp-like…