Nap Cafe in San Francisco
Naps are awesome! Naps help you be more productive! Naps make you feel better and improve your mood! Naps help you overcome stress and…

Naps are awesome! Naps help you be more productive! Naps make you feel better and improve your mood! Naps help you overcome stress and enhance your memory! And this is not, by any means, a complete list of benefits.
There are not many places in San Francisco where you can take a snooze during the day. I’ve even googled it and found a few discussion boards where people are sharing their favorite places to take a nap — some suggest parks, some use hotel lobbies, and others use libraries.
I had a lunch at Metreon last week when I saw a security guide pounding at the table where a young fellow put his head down in front of his computer. Security scared the hell of of this guy. What a terrifying way to be woken up!
Now, we all know about the benefits of the afternoon naps. Google is famous for having sleeping capsules in their office. So, why don’t we have any dedicated nap-places where anyone can get some rest for 30–40 minutes?
I would like to propose an idea to open a Nap Cafe in San Francisco where anyone can book a time in 30 min increments and enjoy uninterrupted nap.
There are a few options of sleeping capsules you can order from Alibaba:
Couple of things need to be addressed to make this Nap Cafe a success.
The way I see it — this place has to be 10 min walking distance from the downtown. If Nap Cafe is located more than 10–12 minutes away, one hour nap becomes ~1.5 hour event, if you add time to get to the cafe and back to the office. Foot traffic is important as well, primary customers on the weekend can be tourists. It is quite tiring to spend all of your day around the city — going back to the hotel just for a quick time is a huge waste of time.
Sleeping capsules have to be clean. A quick 5 minute cleaning with spray and paper towel after each customer can do the trick. A more throughout cleaning can be done twice a week.
Booking a nap time should be easy. This can be achieved with mobile app that allows you to select time of the day and reserve capsule for yourself.
Argument could be made that companies can buy sleeping capsules for their offices and, therefore, why would anyone go anywhere to take a nap if they can do so right in the office? And I think the answer is quite simple. There is something about getting out of the office. Most office have coffee machines but many choose to get one in the nearest coffee shop. And besides, employees can feel awkward taking a nap right in front of the colleagues. It’s kind of like “unlimited vacation”, employees and companies seem to brag about this perk all the time but no one feels it is ok to take a 2 month vacation on a short notice.
Wouldn’t you pay a $10 per hour for a comfortable nap capsule and boost your productivity? If you like this idea, please share this article let’s see what the demand is for naps in our city.
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